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/purchases: Purchases

  • URL:https://[root]/portals/[portalID]/purchases

Example usage

Below is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access the purchases resource:


The purchases resource returns a list of purchases, trials, and interests expressed by this organization for items in the marketplace.

Request parameters


Status of the listings to be returned. The default value is active. Accepted values are:

  • active: Only listings that are currently active will be returned
  • expired: Only listings that have already expired will be returned
  • all: Both active and expired listings will be returned

Values: active | expired | all


The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

JSON Response syntax

  "purchases": [
      "provision": {<purchaseProvision1>},
      "listing": {<purchasedListing1>}
      "provision": {<purchaseProvision2>},
      "listing": {<purchasedListing2>}
  "trials": [
      "provision": {<trialProvision1>},
      "listing": {<trialListing1>}
      "provision": {<trialProvision2>},
      "listing": {<trialListing2>}
  "interests": [
      "provision": {<interestProvision1>},
      "listing": {<interestedListing1>}
      "provision": {<interestProvision2>},
      "listing": {<interestedListing2>}

JSON Response example

  "purchases": [
      "provision": {
        "itemId": "140d7c7f363349848df8d388f23feb20",
        "orgId": "org1",
        "purchaserOrgId": "org2",
        "purchaserUsername": "org2user",
        "purchaserFullName": "Test Full Name",
        "purchaserEmail": "[email protected]",
        "purchaserPhone": null,
        "startDate": 1378227269000,
        "endDate": -1,
        "purchased": true,
        "trial": false,
        "interested": false,
        "created": 1378227262000,
        "modified": 1378227269000
      "listing": {
        "itemId": "140d7c7f363349848df8d388f23feb20",
        "licenseType": "free",
        "priceDesc": "free",
        "creditsPerTransaction": 0,
        "listingAccess": "public",
        "trialSupported": true,
        "trialDuration": 30,
        "type": "Application",
        "typeKeywords": [
          "Registered App",
        "title": "app1",
        "tags": [],
        "thumbnail": "thumbnail/Tulips.jpg",
        "appCategories": [],
        "industries": [],
        "languages": [],
        "largeThumbnail": "largethumbnail/thumb.jpg",
        "banner": "banner/banner.jpg",
        "screenshots": [
        "owner": "org1user",
        "created": 1361473322000,
        "avgRating": 4.0,
        "numComments": 3,
        "numRatings": 11,
        "vendor": {
          "id": "org1",
          "name": "Org 1"
  "trials": [],
  "interests": []